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Sunday, December 31, 2006

From 31st Dec 2006 onwards..

With effect from 31st DEC 2006:

before I say anything more, with absolutely no disrespect to anyone, if you don't like us or MY blog, please jolly well FUCK OFF.

Reasons why I have the right to say that?

I created this blog for Team Nemesis members' & friends to have a place to connect. If you feel offended from THIS post onwards, please direct your mouse to the X located at the top right corner & click it.

Whatever I blog previously, if it offended anyone, all I can say it's the truth that I wrote. Neither do I spin stories out of nothing nor do I intentionally demean other people to make Team Nemesis looks good. I blog them out as close as to the truth I see in my context & penned them down as exciting & interesting within my limited use of vocabulary.

To avoid any unnecessary trouble or misunderstanding in the future, I won't be mentioning any team's name from now onwards. Reasons being, there are all sorts of people in Singapore. Some are more sensitive while some are just plain moronic. Being a educated & law bidding Singaporean, I will resolved this glitches in the most civilised & non-threatening method i know.

I can say 99.99% of Singaporean are educated & civilised so let's not waste what the education system have taught us. Behaving in a Beng-like manner nowadays won't resolved any problems. On the contrary, It will only deteriorate the situation of the misunderstanding you are having. There are always new things for everyone to learn everyday, hope some of you who have read this will learn how to handle difficult scenarios more effectively & peacefully.

If you decide to go into the field of Tiong Chias, always remember this. Pushing people & being push, Blowing people & getting blow at (Using cars, not any parts of the human), are the norm in everyday's life. However, there are some ethics I wish all of us will take into consideration:

  • Upon realising there are family members or kids in a Tiong Chias, stop pushing or blowing.

  • Once you have been TEAR with no signs of you catching up in any way, be it in a straights or bend, you have lost. Be friendly & give a friendly wave. All of us are in the fellowship of the Tiong Chias. Be sporting.

  • On rainy weathers, please cease all racing activities. Don't assume you have a good wet weather capability tires mean other road users have it too. Racing in wet weather will expose other road users to 2 times the risks of having an accident. Reduced visibility & bad road conditions. If you deem your life is worthless, go crash a lamp post or something. Don't crash into a tree as I believe a tree is worth more than you.

  • If the other Tiong Chias has a lady passenger beside him, do not tease or show any disrespectful hand signs. Always respect a lady.

  • If another Tiong Chias doesn't want to race with you, go find yourself another target. No point blowing & tailgating for a long period of time. You will only make a fool of yourself.

I hope I have make myself clear & This blog will have more photos & personalised blog topics other than racing. But it will still be racing related nonetheless. Last but not least,


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